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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bhujangasan (Cobra Pose)

  • Lie flat on your stomach, legs together and palms touching the sides of your thighs with your chin on the floor, i.e. Simple Prone Posture.
  • Now, stretch your legs with both feet together; also stretch the toes, keeping them pointed backward.
  • Place your palms beside the lower chest—just below the shoulders—so that the fingers lie under them.
  • With an inhalation (Radhey), raise your head, shoulders, and the chest until your navel is nearly 3 cms above the ground.                                                     
  • Ensure the pelvic area rests on the floor.
  • Simultaneously, attempt to arch your dorsal spine and neck backward, as far as possible.
  • Comfortably, bear the whole weight on the lower part of the body with just nominal support from the hands.
  • Hold the pose for about 15-20 seconds with normal breathing.
  • With an exhalation (Krishna), gradually return to the initial pose by bending the arms and then resting the trunk on the floor.
  • Repeat the process twice.
  • Lastly, come to Balasan or Matsya Kreedasan and relax completely.
  • On the breaths synchronized with the physical movements
  • On the stretches and strains of the back
  • On the Sacred Names “Radhey Krishna” flowing with each breath
  • Bhujangasan has versatile effects like, recovery from slipped-disc, rejuvenation of the spine, alleviation of stiff back problems, and giving natural relief in lumbago and sciatica. 
  • It also provides elasticity to the lungs by expanding the chest, which mainly results in proper blood circulation in the pelvic region.
  • Bhujangasan is a blessing pose for women as it tones up the ovaries and uterus, and helps alleviate menstrual and various gynecological disorders. 
  • Additionally, it activates the appetite, eliminates constipation, and is tremendously useful for the abdominal organs such as liver and kidneys too.
  • Persons with peptic ulcer, hernia, intestinal tuberculosis, or hyperthyroidism should not practice this asan. 
  • Those who have undergone abdominal surgery should avoid this asan for at least two months post-surgery.

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