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Monday, October 24, 2011

Guidelines for Radhey Krishna Yogasans

The place of yogāsans should be neat and clean, adequately ventilated and well spacious. There should not be any obstacles like furniture kept near the place of doing. A good lawn with trees or a garden is very suitable. You can practice even inside your home but the doors and the windows should be kept open. You should not practice in a place with strong winds, out in the cold, or in a polluted atmosphere.

In the morning, after emptying your bowels is the most suitable time for practicing āsans. You can practice it even at day and in the evening time conditioned you stomach is empty i.e., after two hours of light meal and four hours of heavy meal.

Yogāsans should be performed with the minimum of clothes on the body depending upon the season. It is better to wear a loose, light, and clean dress that enables free movement of your body. Also, remove your wrist watch, ornaments, chains, spectacles, etc. prior to doing āsans.

It is advisable to do āsans from 15 minutes to an hour every day. After that, you should not eat anything for at least half an hour. Always do Shavasan or other relaxing āsans like Balasan, Relaxing Makarasan, Matsya Kreedasan, etc. for about 5-10 minutes after the completion of āsans to gain maximum benefit.

The general rule for breathing during the practice of yogāsan is to breathe in (chanting ‘Radhey’) while bending backward, and breathe out (chanting ‘Krishna’) while bending forward and sideward.

Chanting the Divine Names
Always remember God’s Name along with each movement and breath. In your mind, chant or remember ‘Radhey’ as you breathe in and ‘Krishna’ as you breathe out. You can also chant or remember any other Divine Names of God.

Note: It is always advisable to consult your doctor before starting yogāsans. You should not practice them while carrying or recovering from injuries and/or post-surgery without consulting a certified doctor.

General Precautions
Those suffering from hernia and colitis should not perform backward bending āsans. Those suffering from backache or sciatica should not perform forward bending āsans. Those who have high blood pressure or heart ailments should not perform the āsans in which excessive effort is required.

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