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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Supt Pawan Muktasan (Leg Locked Air Releasing Pose)

  • Lie flat on your back with both your legs together and touch the outer sides of the thighs with your palms, i.e. Simple Supine Pose.
  • Gently bend your right leg and bring the right knee over your abdomen.
  • Interlock the fingers and place them around the right shin, closer to the knee.
  • Inhale (Radhey); while exhaling (Krishna), pull the knee to the chest; raise your head and shoulders and try to touch the right knee with your nose.
  • Make sure your left leg remains locked and on the floor.
  • Hold the final pose for about 15-20 seconds with normal breathing.
  • Again inhale (Radhey), and lowering the trunk and releasing the right knee, return back to the starting position.
  • Practice it up to three times, and then come to the starting position again by releasing the right leg.
  • Repeat the same process up to three times with the other leg.
  • Finally, come to Shavasan (See page 227) and relax.
Variation - 1
  • Lie flat on your back with both your legs together and touch the outer sides of the thighs with your palms, i.e. Simple Supine Pose (See page 227).
  • Comfortably bend both knees and bring them over the abdomen.
  • Interlock your fingers and keep them around both the shins, just below the knees.
  • First inhale (Radhey) deeply, and with a slow exhalation (Krishna), slowly pull both the knees toward the chest.
  • Simultaneously, lift the head and shoulders upward, and attempt to keep the nose between the two knees.
  • Remain in this pose for about 15-20 seconds with normal breathing.
  • As you return to the centre, inhale (Radhey) and lowering the trunk and head gradually to the floor, release the knees.
  • Do this process for three times.
  • Lastly, come to Shavasan and relax.
  • On your bodily movements along with the breaths synchronized with them
  • On the pressure on your abdomen
  • On the Holy Names “Radhey Krishna” flowing with your breaths
  • Supt Pawan Muktasan is a very invigorating pose as it strengthens your lower back muscles and makes the spinal vertebrae flexible.  
  • The main purpose of this pose is to remove gas and constipation, by massaging the abdomen and digestive organs.  
  • It is very effectual in rooting out impotence, sterility, and menstrual problems for it also massages the pelvic muscles and reproductive organs.
  • Persons with high blood pressure and acute back cases like sciatica and slipped-disc should avoid it.

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