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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Mind ̶ Cause of Bondage and Liberation

Your mind is everything. If it loses its freedom, you lose your freedom. If your mind is free, you are also free. The mind has the natural tendency of getting colored just like a white cloth gets reddened if it is dipped into solution of a red color. You learn English, naturally you will mix English words and phrases in your conversation. In the similar manner, if our mind is kept in a bad company, the evil influence of it starts coloring our thought and behaving patterns.

If we wittingly or unwittingly stay in the midst of Yogis, devotees and scholars, our mind begins meditating on God, His Names, His Forms, His Qualities, His Pastimes, His Abode, and His Associates (Devotees and Saints). The most important things we should not forget is ̶ the nature of our Mind changes as per the situations and things amidst which it remains and acts.

1 comment:

  1. Swamiji says it so well and succinctly. The constant remembrance of God with the help of as much Satsang and Bhajans and having a living Guru to have us reach towards God with the help and perseverance of our own Bhakti and Sadhana and various helpful books written by Maharajji and Swamiji and ultimately GRACE of GOD will get us there.
