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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why are Yogasans So Beneficial ?

Yogāsans harmonize the body, mind, and emotions.

The art of healthy living must incorporate all aspects of the personality—the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. While the central theme of Yoga remains the highest goal of the spiritual path, physical yogic practices enshrined in it, give direct and tangible benefits to everyone regardless of their spiritual aims.
Meditation is the ultimate of Yoga.
Yogāsans harmonize the body, mind, and emotions. For example, at the physical level, organs, muscles, and nerves may not be functioning properly. Āsans bring the different bodily parts into perfect coordination so that they work for the good of the whole body. At the mental level, people harbor poisonous thoughts and emotions within. Muscular knots may occur anywhere in the body—in the neck as cervical spondylitis, in the face as neuralgia, etc. Every mental knot has a corresponding physical, muscular knot, and vice versa. For example, emotional tensions can affect the smooth functioning of the lungs and the breathing process, contributing to a very debilitating disease, which is asthma. The aim of āsans is to release these knots.
For full benefit, these āsans should be performed along with meditation. Meditational exercises cleanse the mind, to bring a feeling of peace and contentment within. Proper combinations of āsans, pranayam, subtle body relaxation, and meditation, tackle these knots, both at the physical and mental levels. As a result of the release of dormant energy, the body becomes full of vitality and strength, the mind becomes light and creative, joyful and balanced.
Yogāsans have succeeded as an alternative therapy in diseases such as asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, digestive disorders, and many ailments of a chronic and constitutional nature, where modern medical science has failed.

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