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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Suffering From The Restless Eyes And Mind ! - Trātak The Solution

Trāṭak increases your concentration power.
Trāṭak is a way to meditate by fixed gazing on a single point such as an idol of God, a black dot, or candle flame. The main intention of practicing this is to aide the practitioner to halt the restlessness of his eyes, pursuing something every moment; by concentrating his eyes, he can halt the restlessness of his mind too.
i. Sit in any meditative asan.
ii. Place either an idol of Radha Krishna, or your favorite form of any God such as Ram, Shivaji, etc. on the table or wall, in front of your eyes.
iii. The distance between you and the idol must be about 3-5 feet (the distance depends more on the size of the picture).
iv. The bigger the idol, the greater the distance one should sit away from the idol for proper Trātak.
v. Perform each of the eye exercises five times successively:
a. Sideways Viewing
b. Front and Sideways Viewing
c. Up and Down Viewing
d. Scattered Viewing (defocusing)
e. Rotational Viewing
Stage - 1
i. Gently open your eyes and look at the place below the idol.
ii. Slowly move your eyes to look at the picture, and start gazing at the whole idol effortlessly.
iii. Although in the beginning, you may feel an irritating sensation in the eyes, do not leave the performance.
iv. Using your will-power, do not blink; if tears come, let tears flow from your eyes.
v. Maintain this for about one minute.
vi. Then, close your eyes totally and rub the hands together, and place them over your eyes (Palming process).
vii. After 15-20 seconds, release your hands; then open your eyes with a few blinks.
viii. This is one round; do this for five rounds.
ix. End the final round with palming for a bit longer period (about 30 seconds).
x. Finally, release the hands but do not open your eyes instantly.
Stage - 2
i. Slowly open your eyes, and look at the place below the idol and then carefully move the eyes to look at the idol.
ii. This time, just stare at one part of the picture like the eyes, nose, etc.—intensively.
iii. Your eyes may feel a burning like sensation at first, but control your eyes with will-power so that the eyes do not blink.
iv. If tears come, let them flow out freely as they purify the eye muscles.
v. Remain in this position for about one minute without straining the eyes.
vi. Then, close your eyes for a few seconds; rub your hands together, and perform palming.
vii. After 15-20 seconds, release your hands and open the eyes with a few blinks.
viii. This completes one round; repeat for five rounds.
ix. End the final round with palming for a bit longer period (about 30 seconds).
x. Finally, release your hands, but do not open your eyes immediately.
Stage - 3
i. Slowly open your eyes and look at the place below the idol.
ii. Slowly, move your eyes from the place below the idol, to the idol.
iii. This time defocusing will be practiced; expanding your awareness, collect the details of the idol such as the colorful clothes, the posture, facial expression, the beautiful eyes, etc., in your mind.
iv. Now, while expanding your awareness more and more, observe the aura around the Lord.
v. Maintain the process for one minute, again close your eyes and try to visualize the image
 in your mind, remembering all the details you have collected. But try to visualize the sentient and dynamic Lord, as if He is smiling or playing on a flute or dancing with His pals in Vrindavan.
vi. When the image disappears, perform Palming process.
vii. Now, Bhramari can be practiced with palming; giving a gentle press over the eyes, breathe in and produce “Mm…” sound and feel the vibrations throughout the body.
viii. Perform Bhramari for five times.
ix. Then, release your hands; sit peacefully for some time and feel the changes in the body.
x. Realize that your mind has now become tranquil and your concentration, will-power, and eyesight have improved as well.
  • This meditative process, Trāṭak, purifies the mind, maintains good eyesight by cleansing the eyes, and also relieves the practitioners from tension, insomnia, restlessness, depression, etc.
  • It also stimulates the nervous system, which helps enhance the ability to concentrate.
  • It increases memory and mental power.
  • It also decreases the rate of breathing.
  • This method exercises the centres—olfactive and optical; it also controls ciliary’s reflex and helps in stimulating the pineal gland.
  • It is preferable to practice in the dark, especially in the evening time.
  • One should sit comfortably in one of the meditative asans with the head, neck, and spine erect; for this reason, it is better to remove wrist watches, eye glasses, belts, shawls, chains, etc.
  • While performing the palming process, the palms should not touch the eye balls.
  • At the time of palming, breathe slowly.
  • Palming should be done in such a way that there should be complete darkness.
  • The face should remain relaxed—preferably keeping a gentle smile.
  • One should not strain the eyes.
  • Persons with insomnia should not go to bed for at least an hour after doing it as it awakens the mind, and it is really difficult to sleep just after practicing.
  • In case of tension or headache, it is better to avoid this type of ṣhaṭkarma.

Fasting a Panacea to Good Health

Fasting generally means to leave eating.  It is not that you eat food and automatically gain energy. Our body has to use energy to digest the food we ingest. When there is a problem in our body we lose appetite which is the signal from Nature that we should start fasting. If we regard the order of Nature then it will start helping you to cure the diseases. During the period of disease, our body needs energy to cure them but when we eat food the energy is divided and thus neither the food is digested nor is the disease cured. Instead the problem gets severe.
In case of any wound or fever animals leave eating, so they are cured pretty soon. But it is the intelligent humans who in place of leaving food take medicines only to worsen the situation.  During fast our body gets enough time to remove the wastes out of it since there is not extra burden of digesting food.
During the fast water is taken in sufficient quantity which helps purify the systems especially the digestive system which is of the most importance. Since the disease first starts with the problems in the digestive system.
Though you don’t have any disease right now, it does not mean that you will not have it in the future. If you want to avoid it, start fasting.
Duration of the fast can vary from person to person depending upon his/her will power and body condition. The duration ranges from half or one days to one month. We should take proper guidance for the fast of longer periods. But the half-day or one day fast does not require that much knowledge and guidance. Just avoid meal and keep on drinking a glass of water in every one hour. But while breaking the fast you should eat only easy to digest meal i.e. normal meal; avoiding the oily and spicy ones.
It is well known fact that if you observe fasting once a week, you are easily saved from so many diseases. And it is compulsory to leave the food at the time of illness. Thus it is at your hands to be become sick or healthy.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Obesity and its Home Remedies

The unnecessary deposition of fat in the body is known as obesity. There are various reasons causing this problems ranging from over eating to laziness (not doing any physical exercises as well as mental work). Over use of potatoes, rice and sugar etc. which contains, in a way, merely carbohydrates, or the dysfunction of thyroid or pituitary glands are some other reasons for developing obesity.
Home remedies:
  • Squeeze a lemon in hot water and drink it, then drink 300 ml of carrot juice or Spinach (Palak) juice. This should be done early in the morning when the stomach is empty.
  • Drink juice of a lemon mixed with 250 ml water in the empty stomach in the morning and 10 gram honey with 125 ml water at day time. Continue this for two months in hot season.
  • Do some exercises or perform Yogasans on a daily basis. Or you can go for morning walk for 30-40 minutes.
  • Use of raw tomato, lemon, salt and onion as salad with every meal helps to decrease the fat and makes the body light.
  • Control in diet, use less rice, oil and spices and avoid fast foods and drinks.
  • Potato in itself does not increase weight but the oily and spicy matter with potatoes increase the fat in the body, so  if you want it can be used either by frying in the fire or boiling.
  • Regular use of curd or buttermilk reduces fat. 
  • Regularly drinking hot water as much as possible is helpful to a great extent.
  • Make a tea of Trifala Churna and add a spoon of honey and drink it everyday. You will have a good result within a few days.
  • Soak Trifala Churna in water at night, separate the juice in the morning and drink it adding a spoon of honey in it. Continue for some weeks to see the best results
  • The main reason of the problem is the uncontrolled mind so it should be trained first. And there is no other better way than meditation. Perfoming Pranayama also helps to a great deal, so practice Pranayama and then meditation every day. Doing this pacify the mind as a result you will gain control over it.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Cause of Human Misery And Suffering

Thought waves cause ripples on the surface of the lake of our mind.
The ancient heritage of India  - Yoga – teaches us that we are souls, not the body. Soul is eternal and the fragment of God, which is undying and indestructible by any means. This is not only detailed in the Yogic literatures like Patanjali Yog Sutra, but also also in all the sacred scriptures and Upanishads including Bhagavad Gita and Shrimad Bhagavatam.  As we have forgotten ourselves as souls and considered as the physical bodies, we have trapped ourselves into the bondage of Maya (Prakriti). The soul is the seer and when it does not abide in in its true nature as the fragment/son of God, it appears to take the shape of whatever the content of mind is.
Meditating on God and His area is the only path to happiness.
Take for example – when thought waves cause ripples on the surface of the lake of the mind, the color and form of those objects are superimposed onto our true nature, which is soul or awareness or consciousness. The mind attracts objects like metal to a magnet, and causes erroneous impressions. Since these objects and thoughts possess color, form, structure, and quality, the soul/awareness that illuminates these objects is wrongly perceived as having those attributes. This is the cause of human misery and suffering.
Our many different thoughts and personalities are like little voices in our heads. They can become problem if we erroneously link these thoughts with “I-am-ness” (asmita), which is also called ego. For example – the thousands of thoughts we have every day do not trouble us as long as we do not attach ourselves to them or own them. The problem starts when a person identifies himself with the objects and the situations. This identification or attachment is the wrong knowledge (viparyaya) of us being the phenomena. If this identification persists, there is nothing that stops us from listening to the voices in our heads. The voices told Adolf Hitler to kill six million Jews; similar voices told Josef Stalin to kill twenty million of his own people, and the next similar voices told Christians to kill millions of “infidels/non-Chirstians” via the Inquisition and Crusades.
No more listening to the voice of the mind
All of these acts were, and continue to be, committed today because we identify ourselves with the body, our relationship with the people, caste, nationality, religion, etc. As mind is a survival tool, it always tries to dominate others in order to pre-empt an attack. The mind leads us to competition and warfare. To project with oneself out and become one with the fluctuations of the mind leads to mental slavery.
So the wise are those who understand the life changing message of Yoga, theme of the scriptures and the preaching of the Saints –who are God realized - and follow them practically in daily life in order to get a true happiness that is eternal.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

God - From Whom We Come And To Whom We Return

Everything in nature grows from some fine seed-forms, becomes grosser and grosser, exists for a certain time, and again goes back to the original fine form. Our earth, for instance, has come out of a nebulous form which, becoming colder and colder, turned into this crystallised planet upon which we live, and in the future it will again go to pieces and return to its rudimentary nebulous form. This is happening in the universe, and has been through time immemorial. This is the whole history of man, the whole history of nature, the whole history of life.
Every evolution is preceded by an involution. The whole of the tree is present in the seed, its cause. The whole of the human being is present in that one protoplasm. The whole of this universe is present in the cosmic fine universe. Everything is present in its cause, in its fine form. This evolution, or gradual unfolding of grosser and grosser forms, is true, but each case has been preceded by an involution.
The whole of this universe must have been involute before it came out, and has unfolded itself in all these various forms to be involved again once more. Take, for instance, the life of a little plant. We find two things that make the plant a unity by itself — its growth and development, its decay and death. These make one unity the plant life. So, taking that plant life as only one link in the chain of life, we may take the whole series as one life, beginning in the protoplasm and ending in the most perfect man. Man is one link, and the various beasts, the lower animals, and plants are other links. Now go back to the source, the finest particles from which they started, and take the whole series as but one life, and you will find that every evolution here is the evolution of something which existed previously.
Where it begins, there it ends. What is the end of this universe? Intelligence, is it not? The last to come in the order of creation, according to the evolutionists, was intelligence. That being so, it must be the cause, the beginning of creation also. At the beginning that intelligence remains involved, and in the end it gets evolved. The sum total of the intelligence displayed in the universe must therefore be the involved universal intelligence unfolding itself, and this universal intelligence is what we call God, from whom we come and to whom we return, as the scriptures say. Call it by any other name, you cannot deny that in the beginning there is that infinite cosmic intelligence. What makes a compound? A compound is that in which the causes have combined and become the effect. So these compound things can be only within the circle of the law of causation; so far as the rules of cause and effect go, so far can we have compounds and combinations.
Beyond that it is impossible to talk of combinations, because no law holds good therein. Law holds good only in that universe which we see, feel, hear, imagine, dream, and beyond that we cannot place any idea of law. That is our universe which we sense or imagine, and we sense what is within our direct perception, and we imagine what is in our mind. What is beyond the body is beyond the senses, and what is beyond the mind is beyond the imagination, and therefore is beyond our universe, and therefore beyond the law of causation.
The Self of man being beyond the law of causation is not a compound, is not the effect of any cause, and therefore is ever free and is the ruler of everything that is within law. Not being a compound, it will never die, because death means going back to the component parts, destruction means going back to the cause. Because it cannot die, it cannot live; for both life and death are modes of manifestation of the same thing. So the Soul is beyond life and death. You were never born, and you will never die. Birth and death belong to the body only.

Enlightenment In Hand If Meditation On God is Intensive

Meditation on God - the Ultimate Sadhana
Enlightenment may be way off at first, but if we practice intensively, it is very near. Whoever practices meditation on God, His Names, Forms, Virtues, Abodes, Pastimes, and Saints, intensely will experience Enlightenment and its fruit, which is the Ultimate Bliss of God.
Meditation means intense thirst for God
Even among the eight limbs of Yoga – Yam, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhyan, and Samadhi, Patanjali has given the ultimate priority to “Ishvarapranidhan” while expounding the “Fourth Chapter – Samadhi,” which means Surrendering oneself to God and His Will alone can gift the practitioner – Enlightenment/God attainment. Permanently meditating on the Supreme Being constitutes the path of devotion. Here one’s actions and thoughts are to be surrendered and one’s feeling of love for the Supreme Being developed. The intense love (Bhakti) will attract the grace of the Supreme Being, who will bestow Enlightenment and the Immortality to the Yogi. 
So there is no excuse and no time to waste. Orthodox tradition says that we need the gift of the last birth to be Enlightened/God-realized in this life. The gift of the last birth can only be acquired though effort in previous lives. 
It is not possible for us, however, to determine from the outside what sort of practice someone has done previously. A person’s knowledge cannot be ascertained from outside appearances. Some of the greatest masters lived as beggars in outwardly crippled bodies. Others made themselves purposely ugly or behaved in a repulsive fashion so that they could live and practice in peace.  So it’s is very wise on the part of the Yogi to discard the idea of gift or samskaras of previous lives for attaining Enlightenment and impromptu hasten for the God-realization with ardent intensity and thirst.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Home Remedies for “Indigestion / Disliking the Food”

It is the fact that everybody wants to remain healthy. But we are careless in its maintenance. Due to so many reasons like eating unwholesome foods, wrong sleeping pattern, wrong thinking etc we become susceptible to a number of diseases which weaken our digestive system and in turn there is less or no interest in food. 
We often visit an allopath doctor in such cases only to make the situation worse. The allopathic medicine is losing its charm among the people who are aware of the true body mechanism.  The wise deals with home-made medicines to improve the situation:
  • Using banana as vegetable item helps to increase digestion.
  • Cut a lemon into two equal halves, put some black salt on the surface and fry it in the hot ash before sucking. It should be sucked as hot as possible.
  •  Mix some amount of ginger juice with the same amount lemon juice or salt and have it.
  • Grind two lavangas (cloves), put it into half a glass of boiling water. Drink it when it gets cooled. This should be repeated three times a day and must be continued for some days.
  • Having yogurt mixed with some fried cumin and ground pepper daily cure the indigestion very soon.
  •  Cut the onion and take with some lemon drops juice while having food.
  •   Put some sugar candy in radish juice and have every day to remove the sour-belching problems. 
  • Ground ajwain (carom seeds) with some common salt mixed in water and drinking every morning helps a lot to cure digestive problems.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Meditation – A Non-Stop Remembrance of God

Meditation - Constant remembrance of God of own choice and faith
There are many misconceptions about meditation. The word is often used in the sense of thinking about something. If you are thinking about something, you might be approaching an object from different angles or you might be thinking about aspects that do not represent the object as a whole any more. This all still comes under the Yogic heading of dharana (concentration), which includes deliberating or reflecting on an object, and it usually creates a beta brain-wave pattern. If, through focusing, you prevent any other object than the one chosen(God) from entering your mind, this creates the brain-wave pattern of concentration, the beta pattern.
In meditation, the mind relaxes and switches to an alpha pattern, which brings a deeper communion with the object (God of your choice), but it is only called dhyan (meditation)if there is an uninterrupted flow of awareness toward God. In Yogic meditation we practice asan and pranayam, with the senses withdrawn from the world (pratyahar)whereas the mind is always concentrated on the God of Own choice to purify the mind.If we then add the continuous awareness of God and His presence that is not present in the dharana (concentration), then it is called dhyana (meditation). In dharana there is a stop-and-go process that we constantly have to kick-start by dodging the distractions. In meditation, there is uninterrupted flow toward God, His Names, His Form, His Virtues, His Pastimes and His Associates (God-Realized Saints), which means that the connection with God is not interrupted any more.
Meditation means the uninterrupted flow of our mind toward God
The use of the term “object” while meditating is another source of misunderstanding. As it is often taken to mean a thing. But the object is only what we are focusing on –for e.g. our God of choice like Radha-Krishna, Sita-Ram, Lord Shiva, Jesus,Mary, Allaha, etc. The ultimate thing to meditate upon is God – the Omnipotent,Omnipresent and Omniscient. The mind has the tendency always to attach itself to the next thought arising. And if it has a choice between God and worldly thoughts it usually chooses worldly thoughts. So one has to make an incessant effort to focus his mind in dharana(concentration) till the mind gets attached and habituated with the focused God of own choice or faith.
To cleanse the mind, we must fix it on an object of meditation that is itself pure. The material realm is dominated by the three qualities—sattva, rajas, and tamas (modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance). Provided the object of meditation material,it cannot purify the mind. Beyond this material realm, is the Divine realm of God, His Names, Forms, Virtues, Abodes, Pastimes, and Saints. If we fix our mind anywhere in this area, it will become pure. Shree Krishna told Arjun in the Bhagavad Geeta:
māṁ cha yo’vyabhichāreṇa bhaktiyogena sevate
sa guṇānsamatītyaitān brahmabhūyāya kalpate (14.26 )
“I am Divine. If you fix your mind on Me, it will rise above the three modes of material nature.” Jagadguru Shankaracharya says:
śhuddhayatihi nāntarātmā kṛiṣhṇapadāmbhoja bhaktimṛite
“The inner-self, the mind, cannot be cleansed without fixing it in devotion on God.”
Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj says:
sarvaśhāstra sāra yaha govinda rādhey
āṭhoñ yāmamana hari guru meñ lagā de
Hence in Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog, we learn to meditate on the Names, Forms, Virtues, Pastimes, Abodes, and Associates of God.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Diseases and Devotion

If you want to know from a modern physician about the concept of diseases, what will he say? You know, he will definitely keep on counting you a number of viruses which are supposed to cause the diseases. You might be surprised; what’s wrong in it? Nothing is wrong here. Yes, of course. Viruses are the cause of diseases.  But to point out to the virus alone as the cause of disease refers to the partial understanding of modern allopath.
But if we have close analysis, then we will come to understand that there is something else also which causes the viruses. Since prior to disease we don’t find any virus in our body. In this matter, Naturopathy goes one step forward – it says because of the wrong habits we don’t eat proper things in proper ways. And due to this the digestion does not happen well. As a result there remain the waste materials which our system is unable to throw. Thus there appears disease due to the viruses caused by the waste materials.  
But Yoga gives a more clear understanding of the diseases. According to Yoga almost all the diseases are caused by the mind, i.e. by the mental disturbances. We don’t notice but it is clear if we become a bit more attentive. When there are mental disturbances like, anger, frustration, hatred etc, we do not feel like eating. Why this? This is because the mind is the master to the body.  In other way whatever you do is decided by the mind. Thus even the wrong actions like consuming unwholesome items like alcohol, tobacco, fast foods etc are decided by the mind which in turn causes the diseases.
Thus it is clear that by the wrong decision of the mind there arise problems in the body. Now you may want to know, “Why does the mind take wrong decisions?” The decision taking depends upon the understanding power of the mind (intellect). And that understanding depends upon the state of the purification of the mind. If the mind is pure then there is good control over the mind.
Then there may appear another question, “How to purify the mind?” Yoga wants to have forceful control over the mind which is more difficult. But Bhakti Yoga (Devotion to God) gives a very easy way to purify the mind. Meditating on the form of God you like, and remembering him always purifies the mind very easily.      

Monday, April 9, 2012

Way to Eliminate the Mind Waves

Mind waves like the ripples on the pond

Sage Patanjali defines Yoga as the discipline that transforms our mind into a clear surface capable of reflecting whatever it is directed at. Take for example – if the surface of the lake is still, you can use it as a mirror to reflect objects. If you throw a stone into the lake, ripples appear that distort the reflected images. The lake is the representation of the mind and ripples are the fluctuations of the mind or mind waves.
When these mind waves can be appropriate for the purpose of survival, they present an obstacle if we want to recognize our innermost nature. The mind wave s have to cease and the mind has to still in order for us to reflect on our deepest core. The same mind is called antahkaran (inner instrument) in Samkhya Charita. Just like body is outer instrument, antahkaran is the inner instrument consisting of three constituents:
  • Manas (The mind or thinking principle),
  • Ahamkar (Ego or Egoity), and
  • Buddhi (Intellect or Intelligence)
Cessation of the mind waves with Meditation on God
It collects sensory input, compares it with previous data and makes a decision as to what the object identified probably is. Just for example, a rope in the darkness can be mistaken for a snake, or a post in the distance for a man. The mind speedily processes sensory data for the purpose of survival, and in this process accuracy is lost. The mind is constantly telling us to react and as a result we hardly ever take the tie to stop and understand what is really happening.
“Aham” means I and “kara” means caster or maker. Together they mean “I-maker.” The ego is the agent that owns the perceptions of the thinking principle. Ego says “It is I” who is perceiving the object and it is “I” who has to proceed to the safety from the object. Otherwise “I” will be dead.”
It means intelligence or intellect which refers to awakening.
Yoga is the process of refining, sharpening and enhancing the intellect till we can realize ourselves as Soul and connect it to God. Although Samadhi is the ultimate destination of Yogic Practice, it is only through the God’s Grace (which is possible only through the Ishwara Pranidhan – surrender to God) that it is possible. However the wisest Yogi does not limit himself in the area of Samadhi, rather he wishes for God’s Service which is the ultimate of all the souls. The desire for God’s service can offer the Yogi real and permanent happiness which is ever increasing and eternal.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Daily Dietary Check and Health

You might be surprised with the fact that our way of eating is responsible, to a greater extent, for so many diseases ranging from over-weight to diabetes and heart problems. Sometimes knowing and applying even a small thing can save you from big problems. Thus your knowledge regarding the healthy diet will be of great importance for you.
 To ensure you are in tune with the Science of Healthy Diet, ensure you are following checkpoints in your diet:
  • Two servings of fresh seasonal fruit.  One serving is approximately 100 grams or one moderate fruit.
  • Four servings of vegetables—freshly cooked or as a salad.
  • A handful of sprouts. 
  •  A lemon a day as an early morning drink with warm water or squeezed over salads.
  •  A bowl of curd or buttermilk.
  • Vary your choice of cereals.  Replace the wheat roti at least three-four times a week.
  • Vegetarians should eat one bowl of dal every day for the proteins.
  • A fistful of nuts and dry fruits.
  • Strict vegetarians should eat flaxseed or also for the Omega three fatty acid content.
  •  Drink water at the right time.
  • Avoid cold drinks and iced preparations with meals.
  • Try to eat when you are in a relaxed state of mind, offering the food to God before eating helps to calm down the mind.
  • Eat only when you are hungry; if you maintain the proper schedule you will naturally feel hunger in time.
  •   Follow the dictum, “Eat liquid and drink solid”.
  • Do not overeat.  Get up from the table when you are still hungry.
  • Rest a while after lunch.
  • Take a comfortable stroll after dinner.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Does Chakra Meditation Offer Us Enlightenment ?

Seven Chakras in our body
The concept of chakra is found in Hindu texts and features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is derived from Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "turning." They are believed to be a number of wheel-like vortices which are supposed exist in the surface of the subtle body of living beings. The chakras are considered as "force centers" or whorls of energy permeating, from a point on the physical body, the layers of the subtle bodies in an ever-increasing fan-shaped formation.
There are seven main chakras in the body, along the spinal column -
i.        Muladhara - Base or Root Chakra (last bone in spinal cord, the coccyx)
ii.      Swadhisthana - Sacral Chakra (ovaries/prostate)

iii.    Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra (navel area)   
iv.     Anahata - Heart Chakra (heart area)
v.       Vishuddha - Throat Chakra (throat and neck area)
vi.     Ajna - Brow or Third Eye Chakra (pineal gland or third eye)
vii.   Sahasrara - Crown Chakra (top of the head; 'soft spot' of a newborn)
Meditating upon them leads to siddhis, or mystic powers, and also induces the upward movement of the Kuṇḍalinī power. Chakra meditation is recommended for people who have less faith in God, and have not yet understood the concept of the relationship of the soul with the Almighty.
This chakra meditation does not develop our love for God, or help us realize our eternal position as His servant. Hence, those who have faith in God, and have understood from the scriptures that we have an eternal relationship with Him, should not go for chakra meditation. Instead, they should try to meditate upon God, and His Names, Forms, Virtues, Pastimes, Abodes, and Saints.