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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nuts and Seeds – Source of Good Fats

Dry fruits - a good source of minerals like iron, calcium, and copper.
The term “dry fruits” is used to indicate the commonly eaten nuts, like almonds, cashews, pistachios, dates (khajoor), raisins (kishmish), figs (anjeer), apricots, and currants. 
These are a good source of minerals like iron, calcium, and copper. Many people shun nuts and seeds because they are rich in fats, containing up to 40 per cent of fats. However, they contain the good fats that are required by the body.
The benefits of consuming nuts and seeds are:
Dry fruits - a source of good quality proteins
  • Nuts, seeds, and cashews are totally free from cholesterol, which is a risk factor associated with fats of animal origin. However, cashews contain high percentage of fat (up to 47%). So, consumers should not confuse fat with cholesterol.
  • They have a blend of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Walnuts has a special place, being the only ones in this category to have the much-needed Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • They have a healthy percentage of essential minerals like magnesium and copper.
  • They are a source of good quality proteins.
How to Eat Nuts, Seeds, and Dry Fruits?
  • Wash them two or three times in water before eating. Before being packed they are subjected to fumigation with SO2. The fruit also absorbs this SO2. The only sweet dry fruit that is free from this contamination is dates.
  • Frying or roasting leads to deterioration in the quality of fats and proteins. Excess roasting leads to the formation of toxins.
  • Soak for about 4-5 hours in water, to soften the fibre and render nutrients.
  • Eat them in limited quantity only. They are a dense source of nutrients.
  • Vegetarians can easily get essential fatty acids and amino acids simply by eating a handful of raw nuts and seeds every day.

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