Nature has given us a lot in the form of various plants. The
natural food has enough vitamins, minerals and the other nutrients needed for us.
Pulses, nuts, seeds, grains, leafy vegetables and other vegetables as well as
fruits are sufficient to fulfill our bodily requirements.

Almost everything that we need we have on this earth planet.
But what matters is that we have spoiled our habits. We have the habits of eating
fried and fast food, drinking, not so soft, soft drinks. We have forgotten the proverb:
early to bed and early to rise. “Late to bed and late to rise”, has been or
newly formed dictum.
Applying the natural lifestyle is the only way to gain and
preserve a good health. A use of medicine is not the way to health. Medicines
only suppress the problem which comes up again in another form. That’s the
reason why people get attached to the hospitals once they start it.