Despite of Homeopathy’s no claim to heal AIDS, it can surely help in halting the severity of the AIDS cases by reducing the progress of immunodeficiency for several years without any further complications and side effects.
Allopathic treatment is to remove that portion of the tissues by surgical operation. Nonetheless, some times the traces of the cancerous tissues or cells still remain and cancer can relapse. It is here that Homeopathy can assist in amending the dynamic disorder in the body. Homeopathic medicines can influence on the abnormal behavior of cancerous cells, resulting in making them behave normally. In this way, the abnormally behaving cancerous cells become gentle, simple and benign in character. Thereby, Homeopathy is a reliable and proven healing of cancer especially in the starting phase of cancer.
While preparing medicines for different ailments, Homeopaths use a process called dynamisation or potentization. In this process, they dilute the substance with alcohol or distilled water and then shake forcefully by ten hard strikes against an elastic body in a process which is called succussion. Homeopaths believe that the succussion activates the vital/life force of the diluted substance and empowers it more.
In spite of this, there are several diseases which are categorized as surgical where Homeopathy often works and heals without any great damage to the body. For e.g. ailments such as piles, fissures in anus, fistula, septic tonsillitis, appendicitis, chronic otitis, ear discharge, aphonia (nodules on vocal chords affecting voice), nasal and ear polyps, small sized kidney stones, gall bladder stones, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc.
The best e.g. is that of the Penicillin. The healing effect of Penicillin between 1960 and the present time has reduced sharply from 97% to 43%. For the same reason, the modern medicine has been producing newer and stronger antibiotics day by day to combat with resistant bacteria and viruses.
Homeopathic medicines are made by serial dilution. They are shaken by forceful striking on an elastic body—which Homeopaths call succussion. Each diluted preparation followed by succussion is
supposed to enhance the effect and strength of the medicine.
This method of increasing the effect and strength of the medicine is regarded as potentization by the Homeopaths. They keep diluting the preparation till the original material remains in the dilution.