- Lie flat on your stomach, legs together and palms touching the sides of your thighs with your chin on the floor, i.e. Simple Prone Posture.
- Place your arms under the body as close to each other as possible, with the palms on the floor, exactly under the thighs.
- Stretch the chin a bit forward and keep it held to the floor throughout the asan.
- Make sure your legs remain locked at the knees at all times.
- Now while inhaling (Radhey), gradually raise the left leg as high as possible, making sure the right leg remains locked and in contact with the floor.
- Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds with normal breathing.
- With an exhalation (Krishna), unhurriedly lower the left leg to the floor.
- Repeat the same process with the other leg.
- This is one round; try two more rounds.
- Eventually, come into Balasan, or Matsya Kreedasan and relax for a while.

- On the bodily movements and the breaths synchronized with them
- On the pressure on the lower back and the abdomen
- On the Holy Names “Radhey Krishna” flowing with your breaths
- Ardh Shalabhasan is tremendously beneficial in Yog therapy for the cure of sciatica and slipped-disc.
- It assists in the elimination of constipation.
- It helps in improving blood circulation throughout the body.
- It tones up the thighs, hips, and buttocks by reducing unwantd fat.
- If practiced daily, this pose can even control diabetes.
- Women with problems related to ovaries and uterus can benefit from this pose.
- People with hernia and cardiac cases should not practice this pose. Also, pregnant women should not try this pose.
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