- Sit down with your legs outstretched and joined together in front; keeping the back erect, place your palms on the floor behind the buttocks, with the fingers pointing backward, i.e. Dandasan.
- Slowly fold the right leg at the knee and place the foot beside the inner side of the left knee.
- Inhale (Radhey); while exhaling (Krishna), try to stretch both—the trunk and head—as much as you can; turn the waist rightward and place your left arm around the right knee and grasp the right big toe.
- Slowly move the right arm backward and place the right palm on the ground.
- Try to keep your trunk erect as much as you can with a proper twist; simultaneously twist your head rightward and look backward.
- Hold this position for 15-20 seconds, breathing normally.
- Slowly unwind your torso and return to Dandasan.
- Repeat similarly on the other side.
- Lastly, come into Shithil Dandasan and relax.

- On the breaths synchronized with the twisting movements of your body parts
- On the stretches and strains of the spine, neck, legs, and arms
- On feeling relaxation in the spine, neck, legs, and arms, and spontaneously remembering the Names “Radhey Krishna” while breathing
- Like other body twisting postures, Vakrasan makes the spine flexible as it is twisted laterally.
- It massages the lungs and activates the pancreas.
- It alleviates constipation, dyspepsia, and diabetes naturally.
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