- Sit down with your legs outstretched and joined together in front; keeping the back erect, place your palms on the floor, behind the buttocks, with the fingers pointing backward, i.e. Dandasan.
- Now, stretch your arms forward horizontally and keep the right arm on top by crossing the left arm exactly below it.
- Leaning a bit forward from the hips, hold your right big toe with left hand and your left big toe with the right hand.
- Gently move your right foot up under the right arm; you may rest it on the left thigh.
- Make sure your right arm remains extended and the spine and head erect.
- Inhale (Radhey) in this position.
- Exhaling (Krishna), slowly lift the right toe toward the left ear and try to touch the right elbow with the right knee.
- Try to stay in this posture for 15-20 seconds with normal breathing.
- Slowly regain the initial position, and repeat on the other side.
- This ends one round; repeat the same method for up to three rounds.
- Finally, come to Shithil Dandasan and relax.

- On the breaths synchronized with the bodily movements
- On the stretch of the thigh and hip muscles
- On pulling of the feet
- On mental uttering of the Divine Names “Radhey Krishna” with your breaths
- This asan strengthens the arms.
- It loosens the hip joints, and thus develops flexibility in the legs.
- It not only releases pain in the back and neck, but it also exercises the abdominal parts.
- It helps cure hydrocele as well.
- Persons affected with slipped-disc, sciatica, and dislocation of the hip-joints should not include it in their Yogic practice.
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