- Sit down with your legs outstretched and joined together in front; keeping the back erect, place your palms on the floor behind the buttocks, with the fingers pointing backward, i.e. Dandasan.
- Slowly fold your right leg, and place the right sole against the inner left thigh.
- Keep your right knee on the floor; straighten your spine; place your palms on top of the left knee.
- Inhaling (Radhey), raise your arms above the head and turn the palms forward.
- Exhaling (Krishna), lean forward from your hips, and attempt to grasp the left toe.
- Continuing to exhale (Krishna), try to touch the left knee with your forehead—stretching the torso; make sure your right leg remains unmoved.
- In the final position, attempt to place the elbows on the floor—on either side of the calf muscles.
- Maintain this posture for 15-20 seconds with normal breathing.
- As you inhale (Radhey), gently release your hands, and finally come back to the centre.
- Repeat with the other leg in the same manner.
- This is one round; repeat it twice.
- Eventually, come to Shithil Dandasan and relax.

- On the breaths synchronized with the forward bends and upward movements
- On the stretch in the legs, spine, and shoulders
- On continuously feeling the presence of “Radhey Krishna” in each breath
- Janu Shirasan tones and massages the abdominal and pelvic regions including the pancreas, liver, stomach, adrenal glands, and spleen.
- It assists in alleviating disorders of the uro-genitals system.
- It also controls diabetes, menstrual problems, colitis, kidney troubles, bronchitis, and eosinophilia.
- People with serious back problems should omit it.
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