- Sit down with your legs outstretched and joined together in front; keeping the back erect, place your palms on the floor behind the buttocks with the fingers pointing backward, i.e. Dandasan.
- Fold the left leg and place the left foot flat on the floor against the outer side of the right thigh (near the right knee).
- Fold your right leg and bring your right foot under the left buttock; also make sure the outer side of the lower right leg (especially the outer right foot) touches the floor and also not to sit on the heels.
- Inhaling (Radhey), raise your right arm vertically and stretch the shoulders.
- Exhaling (Krishna), twist the waist to the left and place the right arm on the outer part of the left knee.
- Now, catch hold of either the left toes or the left foot with your right hand, resting the right triceps on the outer side of the left knee.
- Move your left hand behind the back while twisting the trunk and head leftward, try to touch the right hip with your left hand.
- Maintain the posture for 15-20 seconds with normal breathing.
- Slowly letting go of your arms, come back to the starting position.
- Repeat the method on the other side.
- This is one round; do it for three rounds.
- Finally, come to Shithil Dandasan and relax.

- On the breaths synchronized with your bodily movements
- On the stretches and strains of the spine
- On the movement of the abdomen
- On always feeling the omnipresence of “Radhey Krishna”
- Ardh Matsyendrasan tones up the spinal nerves to perfection and makes the back very flexible.
- Basically, it relieves backache and helps prevent the adjoining vertebrae to develop osteophytes.
- It even helps alleviate digestive ailments.
- It is recommended for diabetics as well as it regulates the secretion of adrenaline and bile juice.
- It is also helpful in curing cervical spondylitis, colitis, menstrual disorders, bronchitis, constipation, and sinus related cases, as long as it is done comfortably.
- It is an invaluable aid for rectifying sciatica, peptic ulcer, hernia, hyper thyroid, and slipped-disc condition—if done carefully under the guidance of a Yog expert.
- Women who are in the second or third month of their pregnancy should not perform this asan.
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